Visit of Rabbi Mayer Stambler to the Jewish Communities of Khust and Vynohradiv

Rabbi Mayer Stambler, Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine, visited the Jewish communities of Khust and Vynohradiv. Together with Volodymyr Katz, head of the Khust community, they conducted a joint prayer and discussed future steps for the community's development.

The Khust Synagogue, built in 1878, is one of the few functioning synagogues in Ukraine and the only one in Zakarpattia that has preserved its original interior and wall paintings. During his visit, Rabbi Stambler also visited the Jewish cemetery in Vynohradiv, where Reb Boruch, the father of the founder of the Chabad movement, the Alter Rebbe, is buried.

This visit marked an important step in supporting and strengthening Jewish communities in Ukraine.

Visit of Rabbi Mayer Stambler to the Jewish Communities of Khust and Vynohradiv

Rabbi Mayer Stambler, Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine, visited the Jewish communities of Khust and Vynohradiv. Together with Volodymyr Katz, head of the Khust community, they conducted a joint prayer and discussed future steps for the community's development.

The Khust Synagogue, built in 1878, is one of the few functioning synagogues in Ukraine and the only one in Zakarpattia that has preserved its original interior and wall paintings. During his visit, Rabbi Stambler also visited the Jewish cemetery in Vynohradiv, where Reb Boruch, the father of the founder of the Chabad movement, the Alter Rebbe, is buried.

This visit marked an important step in supporting and strengthening Jewish communities in Ukraine.