The FJCU Chaplain paid a visit to the military units in eastern Ukraine

The FJCU Chaplain paid a visit to the military units in eastern Ukraine

During this week, the chaplain of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine, Yakov Syniakov, visited several military units located almost in front of the first line, in eastern Ukraine.

During the trip, Yakov Syniakov conducted spiritual and psychological work, held individual conversations with the fighters, providing them with support and faith in our victory. He shared his experience, wisdom, knowledge and gave soldiers the opportunity to wear teffilin.

Also, our defenders were provided with important volunteer assistance and drones, which were bought with the money, collected by the chaplain’s friends.

We want to sincerely thank everyone who joined in this trip and took part in raising funds for our heroes on the frontline. Your support is of great importance! Together we are able to help those risking their lives for the peace and security of our country!

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The FJCU Chaplain paid a visit to the military units in eastern Ukraine

The FJCU Chaplain paid a visit to the military units in eastern Ukraine

During this week, the chaplain of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine, Yakov Syniakov, visited several military units located almost in front of the first line, in eastern Ukraine.

During the trip, Yakov Syniakov conducted spiritual and psychological work, held individual conversations with the fighters, providing them with support and faith in our victory. He shared his experience, wisdom, knowledge and gave soldiers the opportunity to wear teffilin.

Also, our defenders were provided with important volunteer assistance and drones, which were bought with the money, collected by the chaplain’s friends.

We want to sincerely thank everyone who joined in this trip and took part in raising funds for our heroes on the frontline. Your support is of great importance! Together we are able to help those risking their lives for the peace and security of our country!

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