Bringing Joy Amidst Challenges: 52,000 Festive Packages Across Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is coming!

The holiday of Rosh Hashanah is just around the corner and the beginning of the New Year will be celebrated on September 16-17th.

For Jewish families, it is a great opportunity to spend this special day together, following the commandments.

As it has already become a tradition, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine begins the “Tishrey to every household” program, which is dedicated to the holidays of the month of Tishrey, and starts the distribution of the festive sets to enable every family to fulfill all the commandments of the holiday.

Festive sets contain everything necessary for the celebration of the New, 5784, Year and other holidays of the month of Tishrey: the short Mahzor for Rosh Hashanah and a short Yom Kipur Mahzor (both published in Ukrainian language for the first time), calendars, festive booklets for the holidays, recipes, Sabbath candles, juice, honey cake and candies.

May this holiday bring you joy, Unity and a new beginning!

Bringing Joy Amidst Challenges: 52,000 Festive Packages Across Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is coming!

The holiday of Rosh Hashanah is just around the corner and the beginning of the New Year will be celebrated on September 16-17th.

For Jewish families, it is a great opportunity to spend this special day together, following the commandments.

As it has already become a tradition, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine begins the “Tishrey to every household” program, which is dedicated to the holidays of the month of Tishrey, and starts the distribution of the festive sets to enable every family to fulfill all the commandments of the holiday.

Festive sets contain everything necessary for the celebration of the New, 5784, Year and other holidays of the month of Tishrey: the short Mahzor for Rosh Hashanah and a short Yom Kipur Mahzor (both published in Ukrainian language for the first time), calendars, festive booklets for the holidays, recipes, Sabbath candles, juice, honey cake and candies.

May this holiday bring you joy, Unity and a new beginning!